It is a well-known fact: a company’s employees are its most important resource. Therefore, we at ConMoto are especially pleased by the recognition we are receiving at the German employer rating portal kununu.
More than 60 applicants, current and former employees have given us feedback so far. We are very proud to have achieved an average rating of 4,0 of 5,0 possible points already. Of course, there is room for further improvement. Still we may conclude that overall, ConMoto is on the right track as an employer.
As much as we appreciate the rating as such, we also understand that numbers alone will not suffice. With regards to kununu, we highly value the possibility of an open and active interaction with the platform users. ConMotos is listening – and reacting to the feedback we receive. We take our responsibility as a “Top Employer 2019 in the mid-sized company sector” very seriously and aim to live up to the obligation.