We are pleased to welcome Dipl. Wirt-Ing. (FH) Alfred Blüml as a new Senior Partner and shareholder at ConMoto Consulting Group. From 1990 to 1994 he already worked for ConMoto before assuming management positions in several internationally operating companies. Most recently, Mr. Blüml held positions as a Global Director Manufacturing Engineering and Global Director CPO at the automotive supplier Faurecia Clean Mobility. He was responsible for manufacturing engineering, global prototype construction and plants as well as machinery technology.
Alfred Blüml is an expert on production and automation. He possesses extensive automotive expertise and holds more than ten patents in the areas of emissions and process technology. His international key projects include the development of plants in Spain, Hungary, the Czech Republic and South Africa. Mr. Blüml has many years of experience in the implementation of global standards for processes, machinery and tools alike. He ensures a proactive approach to process development by advanced engineering. Within the area of production, he focusses especially on segmentation and lean manufacturing. At ConMoto Alfred Blüml is responsible for projects in the fields of production and logistics.